Thursday, 31 December 2015
First First Sunday of 2016
It's First Sunday this Sunday - and January's loiter is usually very special as we shake off the festive cobwebs and and get aquainted with the new year. Please come and join us for a psychogeographical wander. We will be meeting 12noon Sunday 3rd at The Britons Protection Great Bridgewater Street We'll be playing out by 12.15 all welcome
Tuesday, 22 December 2015
december news
Greetings dear friends and fellow loiterers
as you know Decembers group loiter was thwarted by the elements and the vagaries of public transport; although this is frustrating it is also a helpful reminder that the derive is not just for First Sundays. A psychogeographical adventure can be embarked on anywhere at any time, on your own or with companions. We went for a wander in glorious Glasgow using this method, as suggested by John Hawes
"A game of two dice. The red one determines direction, odds go left and evens go right. The white one determines distance, odds for one block and evens for two. If the red chance alternates between odd and even and the white all even you can quickly end up a long way from your start point. If red is all odd or even and white all odd you will just go round the block.This worked well in Glasgow's grid system and, miraculously, ended up in a pub."
Some of the very first LRM events were on solstices so it would be lovely if anyone wanted to try this today in your own way; i'll start dice throwing at around 5pm in a busy shopping centre I think. Any field reports would be very welcome.
First Sunday will be back on January 3rd, time and place tbc but its a great way to start the year. 2016 promises to be a very special one for The LRM as we celebrate our 10th birthday with our exhibition at The Peoples History Museum. Interest in this has been overwhelming and the panel are going to have to make some tough choices - but it will be wonderful I'm sure. Thanks everyone for your ideas and support.
I hope to see you on the streets soon, in the meantime my heartfelt thanks to everyone who has loitered, inspired, argued and engaged with The LRM this year. I wish everyone luck, love and joyful ramblings whatever this season means to you
M xx
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
December loiter change
Hello everyone
Huge apologies - today's loiter is going to be postponed (first time in ten years!) I spent the weekend in Glasgow and the floods have led to travel issues which mean I won't be in Manchester in time. Sorry for any inconvenience caused, will update re replacement soon xx
Huge apologies - today's loiter is going to be postponed (first time in ten years!) I spent the weekend in Glasgow and the floods have led to travel issues which mean I won't be in Manchester in time. Sorry for any inconvenience caused, will update re replacement soon xx
Thursday, 3 December 2015
Decembers Derive
Dear friends and fellow loiterers
Ahoy there dear friends and loiterers,
its first Sunday this Sunday, but its going to be a time shifting loiter. This is due to other commitments and the deadline for applications for our Peoples History Museum exhibition* being on Monday December 7th. Therefore we will be gathering on Tuesday December 8th, 6pm at The Britons Protection, Great Bridgewater Street. All welcome for a celebratory Wintery derive. Be lovely to see you
best wishes and happy wanders
Ahoy there dear friends and loiterers,
its first Sunday this Sunday, but its going to be a time shifting loiter. This is due to other commitments and the deadline for applications for our Peoples History Museum exhibition* being on Monday December 7th. Therefore we will be gathering on Tuesday December 8th, 6pm at The Britons Protection, Great Bridgewater Street. All welcome for a celebratory Wintery derive. Be lovely to see you
best wishes and happy wanders
*A quick reminder for anyone interested in participating in
our exhibition at The Peoples History Museum next year. The deadline for
applications is next week – Monday December 7th. Thanks so much to
everyone who has been in touch so far. A panel will be making decisions about
applications, but I think it’s safe to say its going to be a very special show.
Guidelines and an application form for Loitering With Intent can be found in the files section of our facebook group, or more details are here:
Guidelines and an application form for Loitering With Intent can be found in the files section of our facebook group, or more details are here:
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
phm exhibition final call
Dear friends and fellow loiterers
A quick reminder for anyone interested in participating in our exhibition at The Peoples History Museum next year. The deadline for applications is next week – Monday December 7th.
Thanks so much to everyone who has been in touch so far. A panel will be making decisions about applications, but I think it’s safe to say its going to be a very special show. To celebrate the deadline Decembers First Sunday is going to shift to an evening next we...ek – more details tomorrow.
A quick reminder for anyone interested in participating in our exhibition at The Peoples History Museum next year. The deadline for applications is next week – Monday December 7th.
Thanks so much to everyone who has been in touch so far. A panel will be making decisions about applications, but I think it’s safe to say its going to be a very special show. To celebrate the deadline Decembers First Sunday is going to shift to an evening next we...ek – more details tomorrow.
Guidelines and an application form for Loitering With Intent can be found in the files section, or more details are here:…/the-lrm-at-peoples-his… you can also get in touch by email:
Best wishes
Best wishes
Wednesday, 28 October 2015
November News
First Sunday, this Sunday, and The LRM will be gathering 2pm outside the Crown and Kettle Oldham Road (top of Oldham Street). We'll be exploring the rapidly changing Ancoats environment using some sort of a game - much more DIY ramshackle fun than last months performance tour! All welcome.
On Friday I am also organising a gig, this isn't psychogeographical but I put on occasional gigs for bands I really love and it would be splendid to see lots of loiterers there for Case Hardin with Quiet Loner and Steve Roberts (Quiet Loner joined us on the streets for our We Shall Overcome wander) more details and tickets here:
PS The call for participation in our forthcoming exhibition / festival at The Peoples History Museum is open until 7th December and more than happy to discuss ideas with anyone interested
On Friday I am also organising a gig, this isn't psychogeographical but I put on occasional gigs for bands I really love and it would be splendid to see lots of loiterers there for Case Hardin with Quiet Loner and Steve Roberts (Quiet Loner joined us on the streets for our We Shall Overcome wander) more details and tickets here:
PS The call for participation in our forthcoming exhibition / festival at The Peoples History Museum is open until 7th December and more than happy to discuss ideas with anyone interested
Sunday, 18 October 2015
New adventures in music
time for a night of wonderful music, brilliant storytelling and all around good times. Not psychogeography but I hope you will forgive me - I only put on bands I really, truly love and there wont be another gig organised by me for ages now - so please, do try and come to see Case Hardin on Friday 30th October at The Britons Protection. Tickets here:
Thursday, 1 October 2015
First Sunday This Sunday
Hi everyone,
FIRST SUNDAY THIS SUNDAY and as mentioned its going to be a bit special. We are dedicating our walks to 'WE SHALL OVERCOME' WEEKEND OCT 2/3/4 2015 and will be sharing stories of public/private space, radical history, community resistance and more
Join us 2pm Wilmslow Railway Station on Saturday
10am Outside the People's History Museum with special music accompaniment from Quiet Loner and Steve Durrant
Please bring donations to the walks for FoodFriend (local food bank in Wilmslow) and The Booth Centre (Manchester) We have also been given some rather nice badges and suchlike to sell
FIRST SUNDAY THIS SUNDAY and as mentioned its going to be a bit special. We are dedicating our walks to 'WE SHALL OVERCOME' WEEKEND OCT 2/3/4 2015 and will be sharing stories of public/private space, radical history, community resistance and more
Join us 2pm Wilmslow Railway Station on Saturday
10am Outside the People's History Museum with special music accompaniment from Quiet Loner and Steve Durrant
Please bring donations to the walks for FoodFriend (local food bank in Wilmslow) and The Booth Centre (Manchester) We have also been given some rather nice badges and suchlike to sell
Tuesday, 29 September 2015
More details of the Peoples History Museum Call Out
Hello everyone
I’m thrilled by how much interest there has been in our call for contributors to our People’s History Museum exhibition next year (the guidelines are pinned above if anyone missed them).
I know lots of loiterers have taken some wonderful photographs of First Sunday dérives over the years and we want to include some of them in the exhibition (we will cover printing costs of digital photos). Please watch out for more details, and in the meantime think about which pictures you would like to share.
There have been a few FAQs so thought I’d answer them here as well in case they are useful to anyone else
We said we want “original” artwork and perhaps we should have said contemporary, as it does not have to be created just for the exhibition, although it can be. To clarify it should be your own original work and relevant to the exhibition themes. If it has been shown / published before that is OK, if it has never been seen by anyone before that is also OK.
Everyone has to fill out an application form because we feel that is the fairest and easiest way to assess entries. I hope you understand that we can not let friends sneak in as that wouldn’t be right. We want to encourage as many applications as possible and to be transparent in how we deal with them.
If anything in the guidelines is unclear, or you would like to discuss a particular idea do please get in touch with the curatorial team ( or we can have a chat on either of the walks we are organising this weekend for We Shall Overcome (2pm Wilmslow Station on Saturday, 10am Peoples History Museum Manchester on Sunday)
Please do get applications in before the deadline – 7th December - and I'll post details of the First Sunday photo call out very soon
Cheers and thanks as ever for your support
I’m thrilled by how much interest there has been in our call for contributors to our People’s History Museum exhibition next year (the guidelines are pinned above if anyone missed them).
I know lots of loiterers have taken some wonderful photographs of First Sunday dérives over the years and we want to include some of them in the exhibition (we will cover printing costs of digital photos). Please watch out for more details, and in the meantime think about which pictures you would like to share.
There have been a few FAQs so thought I’d answer them here as well in case they are useful to anyone else
We said we want “original” artwork and perhaps we should have said contemporary, as it does not have to be created just for the exhibition, although it can be. To clarify it should be your own original work and relevant to the exhibition themes. If it has been shown / published before that is OK, if it has never been seen by anyone before that is also OK.
Everyone has to fill out an application form because we feel that is the fairest and easiest way to assess entries. I hope you understand that we can not let friends sneak in as that wouldn’t be right. We want to encourage as many applications as possible and to be transparent in how we deal with them.
If anything in the guidelines is unclear, or you would like to discuss a particular idea do please get in touch with the curatorial team ( or we can have a chat on either of the walks we are organising this weekend for We Shall Overcome (2pm Wilmslow Station on Saturday, 10am Peoples History Museum Manchester on Sunday)
Please do get applications in before the deadline – 7th December - and I'll post details of the First Sunday photo call out very soon
Cheers and thanks as ever for your support
Sunday, 13 September 2015
The LRM at The People's History Museum: Call for Contributions
Loitering With Intent (working title)
Call for Submissions
The deadline for receipt of applications is noon on Monday 7th December 2015
Call for Submissions
We are delighted that between July-September 2016 The LRM (Loiterers
Resistance Movement) will be curating an exhibition in the community gallery of
The People’s History Museum. We want its content to be exciting, inspiring and
diverse, reflecting the nature of psychogeography, and so we are inviting applications
from anyone who wishes to take part.
We are looking for original art work and archive material
that explores any of these themes:
O Psychogeography (however you choose to define
O Creative walking, walking art and walking as a
cultural or political practice
O Public / private space and the right to the
O DIY, creative, activist and other interesting
maps and map making
O The LRM (Loiterers Resistance Movement) and our
O Radical, emotional and hidden histories,
especially of or linked to Manchester
O The Situationist International and their legacy
O Critical geographical responses to urban issues
and inequalities such as surveillance, gentrification, homogenisation etc.
Any kind of art or artefact is welcome – photos, prints,
painting, drawing, film, audio, sculpture etc. We also have some capacity to
include events, performances and walks etc. There will be an accompanying blog and
possibly other literature so we welcome writers who wish to contribute as well. We are very open to new ideas so please do get in touch.
to consider:
The Peoples History Museum is family friendly and all work
must be suitable for a wide audience. There are also some logistical
restrictions due to the nature of the space, more information about this will
be provided where relevant.
The majority of the material in the exhibition will be
focused on Greater Manchester and the North West but we hope to include some
work from farther afield.
You do not have to be a professional artist, and
applications from groups / collectives are also welcome.
Previous involvement with The LRM isn’t essential, but we
envisage the majority of work featured will have some link, however tenuous.
This can include attending, or reacting to, any of our walks or other events or
contributing to an online conversation via facebook or twitter.
The LRM is a not-for-profit collective and everyone gives
their time for free so we are unable to pay anyone to exhibit. However, we
don’t want anyone to be out of pocket or unable to contribute because of
expenses so if you need any resources to participate (eg transporting work to
the exhibition or to meet access requirements) please let us know and we will
do our best to help. We currently have a small budget from previous fundraising and will actively seek more if
necessary. Please don’t spend any money on this application without checking
with us first.
Please be aware we have limited space so decisions will be
made by a panel. We will consider the quality, intent, originally and relevance
of every application as well as how it fits within the overall exhibition. We
will let applicants know our decision as soon as possible after the closing
The LRM (Loiterers Resistance Movement) is a
Manchester based collective of artists and activists interested in psychogeography,
public space and the hidden stories of the city. Formed in 2006 we still can’t
agree on what psychogeography means but we all like plants growing out of the
side of buildings, looking at things from new angles, radical history, drinking
tea and getting lost. We believe there is magick in the Mancunian rain. Our city
is wonderful and made for more than shopping. We want to reclaim it for play
and revolutionary fun…. On the first
Sunday of every month we go for a wander of some sort. These derives, or drifts,
help decode the palimpsest of the streets, uncover power structures and
discover the extraordinary in the mundane. We also organise occasional
festivals, exhibitions and other random shenanigans. These have included
building cake maps, playing CCTV bingo, tracing lost rivers and collaborating
on projects like Manchester’s Modernist Heroines. Our events are always free
and open to everyone.
The People’s History Museum in Manchester is the national museum of
democracy. They aim to engage, inspire and inform diverse audiences by
showing ‘There have always been ideas worth fighting for’. This exhibition will
take place in The Engine Hall.
How to
To apply please complete the pro forma – do not send us your work. You can download the form from or you can email
The email address to send applications to is loitering2016@gmail.comTo apply please complete the pro forma – do not send us your work. You can download the form from or you can email
The deadline for receipt of applications is noon on Monday 7th December 2015
more information
contact Morag Rose
Email tweet @thelrm or call 07974929589
contact Morag Rose
Email tweet @thelrm or call 07974929589
Friday, 11 September 2015
Oh! October! It's going to be fabulous
October is going to be an excellent month for Loitering and I really hope you will be able to join us.
The first weekemd is "We Shall Overcome" Weekend - a show of solidarity and rage against austerity. More details are in the post below. Both wanders will blend radical and secret histories, the blurred lines between public and private space, ghost stories and a bit of dramatic ranting. All events are collecting for local projects supporting people affected by austerity so please bring a donation (canned food, gloves food, etc)
Find us at:
Wilmslow Railway Station 2pm Saturday 3rd October (collection for Food Friends)
Outside The People's History Museum Manchester 10am Sunday 4th October (for The Booth Centre)
October 15th is The Walking Inside Out Symposium in Sheffield, and a few free tickets remain for this discussion on Contemporary British Psychogeography.
Finally, we are going to finish the month with some great music - not psychogeographical but an excellent night out with Case Hardin at The Britons Protection
This is all very excited and I would love to share these special events with you. For more details please contact tweet @thelrm
The first weekemd is "We Shall Overcome" Weekend - a show of solidarity and rage against austerity. More details are in the post below. Both wanders will blend radical and secret histories, the blurred lines between public and private space, ghost stories and a bit of dramatic ranting. All events are collecting for local projects supporting people affected by austerity so please bring a donation (canned food, gloves food, etc)
Find us at:
Wilmslow Railway Station 2pm Saturday 3rd October (collection for Food Friends)
Outside The People's History Museum Manchester 10am Sunday 4th October (for The Booth Centre)
October 15th is The Walking Inside Out Symposium in Sheffield, and a few free tickets remain for this discussion on Contemporary British Psychogeography.
Finally, we are going to finish the month with some great music - not psychogeographical but an excellent night out with Case Hardin at The Britons Protection
This is all very excited and I would love to share these special events with you. For more details please contact tweet @thelrm
Thursday, 3 September 2015
Septembers First Sunday
Hello everyone First Sunday This Sunday, and time for a wander. We'll meet 2pm at the glacial erratic on Ardwick Green (near the Apollo, a very short walk from Piccadilly Station, and yes the former gathering point of the Victorian Ardwick Anarchists). All welcome for a fairly unstructured derive and a bit of a blether.
Wednesday, 2 September 2015
We Shall Overcome in October
We Shall Overcome is a collective howl of
rage and love celebrating arts and culture, supporting those affecting by
austerity and showing solidarity. it’s a weekend
of beautiful things and I am delighted The LRM are contributing two special
We will be wandering the
boundary between public and private space, exploring radical histories, DIY
culture, and public/private space. We will uncover the power structures and
architecture of fear that works to keep us off the streets and share stories of
resistance, solidarity and creative mischief. Expect a wee bit of occult
bobbins and rants against inequality and austerity,
On Saturday 3rd October we venture out of town
and take We Shall Overcome to the streets of George Osbourne’s constituency. It’s
our first ever trip to Wilmslow and I expect it to be very special. Meet 2pm
Wilmslow Railway Station.
Sunday 4th October is First Sunday of course
and so we will be back in Manchester. Meet 10am outside The Peoples History
Museum (the early start means no clash with activities around the Tory conference).
Both events are open to everyone. Please bring a donation
(long lasting food, socks, gloves, hats – I will post a full list soon). In
Manchester we are collecting for The Booth Centre, Wilmslow tbc and I will
update ASAP.
Since the earliest iteration of The LRM I have made clear
I think there are many psychogeographies and we should relish those diverse
blossoms. However that has never implied I think psychogeography is a
meaningless term, more that I don’t want to get stuck in semantics.
I passionately believe there has to be an inherent
political element – a subversive intention, a desire to walk truth to power, to
uncover hidden histories and step towards a better future – to psychogeography. A dérive is more than a leisurely stroll (although
that does not make it unpleasureable) it should be unsettling, peculiar and not
turn away from contradictions or difficult questions. It should be a creative
(re)mapping of imagination and desire, and we should strive to open up and share
those cartographic duties so anyone and everyone can feel like our streets
belong to us all. This feels more important than ever in an environment that
demonises drifting, erodes public space and seeks to enclose and restrict our
minds as well as our bodies, It is also never enough, and can only be one tactic,
one tool, amongst many that build the cities of our dreams. (As an aside I am
so proud to loiter with so many good folk who fight and question and build and
work and dream in so many different ways).
Perhaps most
importantly of all psychogeography is NOT just a theory, it has to be a
practice as well, a living, breathing, panting, messy, contradictory,
beautiful, troublesome walking DOING but just talking. This is one of the
reasons I am contributing my wanders in October to We Shall Overcome and I
would urge other psychogeographers to do the samehy. A dérive is more than a leisurely stroll (although
that does not make it unpleasurable) it should be unsettling, peculiar and not
turning away from contradictions or difficult questions. It should be a
creative (re)mapping of imagination and desire, and we should strive to open up
and share those cartographic duties so anyone and everyone can feel like our
streets belong to us all. This feels more important than ever in an environment
that demonises drifting, erodes public space and seeks to enclose and restrict
our minds as well as our bodies. It is also never enough, and can only be one
tactic, one tool amongst many that build the cities of our dreams. (As an aside
I am so proud to loiter with so many good folk who fight and question and build
and work and dream in so many different ways).
Tuesday, 18 August 2015
Sheffield symposium, October 15th
Dear friends, colleagues and fellow wanderers
I am delighted to invite you to a Psychogeographical Symposium in Sheffield on October 15th 2015 to celebrate the launch of “Walking Inside Out: Contemporary British Psychogeography.”
I’m thrilled so many contributors will be there and I'm especially pleased this is happening in Sheffield as the book is dedicated to Victoria Henshaw whose work is featured.
Full details are as follows:
This special event brings together contributors to "Walking Inside Out: Contemporary British Psychogeography" (Tina Richardson, ed, Rowman and Littlefield International, 2015). Walking Inside Out represents the first attempt to merge the work of literary, academic and artist practitioners to critically explore the state of psychogeography today. It discusses a range of critical and creative walking practices, and how they can be used to investigate everyday life and urban phenomena.
The symposium will include presentations from:
Luke Bennett (Sheffield Hallam University)
Alexander Bridger (University of Huddersfield)
Andrea Capstick (University of Bradford)
Gareth Rees (author)
Tina Richardson (independent scholar, editor)
Morag Rose (University of Sheffield)
Phil Wood (author)
Questions and debate from participants will be very welcome. We want to celebrate the diversity, and discuss the controversies, that inform psychogeography today.
The event will conclude with a wine reception sponsored by Rowman and Littlefield International, and is supported by The Department of Urban Studies and Planning at The University of Sheffield.
The symposium will include presentations from:
Luke Bennett (Sheffield Hallam University)
Alexander Bridger (University of Huddersfield)
Andrea Capstick (University of Bradford)
Gareth Rees (author)
Tina Richardson (independent scholar, editor)
Morag Rose (University of Sheffield)
Phil Wood (author)
Questions and debate from participants will be very welcome. We want to celebrate the diversity, and discuss the controversies, that inform psychogeography today.
The event will conclude with a wine reception sponsored by Rowman and Littlefield International, and is supported by The Department of Urban Studies and Planning at The University of Sheffield.
Tickets are free but places are limited – please book here to reserve your place:

I really hope you will be able to make it, and my thanks to everyone who has supported the organisation of this event. If you need any more information please don't hesitate to contact. Please feel free to forward this to anyone who may be interested
My very best wishes
Wednesday, 29 July 2015
August First Sunday
Dear Loiterers
Its First Sunday, This Sunday and many loiterers have
dispersed far and wide to celebrate Summer elsewhere. Therefore we are going to
try something a little bit different, which also means friends who can rarely
get to Manchester can join in as well. It’s a First Sunday for anyone,
At twelve O’clock on Sunday 2nd August I will
begin to tweet some derive instructions, these will appear for 90 minutes or so
and you can see them by checking @lrm If you aren’t on twitter I can text the
instructions, if you would like this please make sure I have your phone number
by texting me on 079 749 29589. Please
follow the instructions in your own way – they will be open to interpretation
and of course you need to take care and be mindful of your environment. It
would be wonderful if folk could let me know how it is going by tweet or text
but that is, of course, entirely optional.
Because I don’t want to go a month without wandering collectively there
will be a chance to share stories, and go for a walk, on Wednesday 5th August.
Meet in the Sandbar, Grosvenor Street, at 6pm.
There are also several developments in Manchester which are
anti-loitering and which you may want to object to. The Camp for Homeless
Justice are in court tomorrow fighting an injunction which could potentially
criminalise rough sleepers and be used to suppress demonstration and lawful protest.
The consultation periods are also open for plans to close the Undercroft on
Rochdale Canal at night, and to build some very dull flats on Pomona, a
favourite place to loiter. Much has been written about this elsewhere, if you
do need more information (or it would be helpful to read my objections) please
do get in touch.
I hope to walk with you virtually on Sunday and see you on
the streets soon
Best wishes
Monday, 20 July 2015
We SHALL overcome
Psychogeographers of the world unite and take over (for one weekend at least)
As some of you know in October The LRM are dedicating our First Sunday derive in Manchester to the We Shall Overcome weekend. This is a collective howl of rage and love celebrating arts and culture, supporting those affecting by austerity and showing solidarity.
I am calling on all comrades in loitering to get involved with We Shall Overcome wherever you are. I be...lieve there is an inherent politics in the practice of psychogeography, and I know I’m not the only person to worry it gets buried sometimes under layers of art and / or academic language and / or the sheer joy of wandering. Yes, there is a lot to criticise about The SI but “sur le pave, la plage” still resonates with me as the spectacle becomes ever more suffocating.
As some of you know in October The LRM are dedicating our First Sunday derive in Manchester to the We Shall Overcome weekend. This is a collective howl of rage and love celebrating arts and culture, supporting those affecting by austerity and showing solidarity.
I am calling on all comrades in loitering to get involved with We Shall Overcome wherever you are. I be...lieve there is an inherent politics in the practice of psychogeography, and I know I’m not the only person to worry it gets buried sometimes under layers of art and / or academic language and / or the sheer joy of wandering. Yes, there is a lot to criticise about The SI but “sur le pave, la plage” still resonates with me as the spectacle becomes ever more suffocating.
I believe at its heart psychogeography (however you define it) is about
O sharing the hidden stories of our streets and the people who have lived and struggled here
O understanding the hidden power struggles that shape our lives
thinking about who controls space, who uses it and who doesn’t and why
O (re)mapping and (re)imaging where we wander
O respecting the many diverse communities who make our homes what they are
O starting conversations, having a good time and reclaiming the streets for more than shopping
what could be more appropriate to a free festival of resistance, solidarity and joy?
So PLEASE think about doing something on the 2-5 October. It could be a wander, a talk, a reading, an exhibition, a film night, an action, a creative reclaiming of space or anything really - but it would be truly wonderful to get psychogeographic component to We Shall Overcome.
I’m more than happy to share any tools I have that may be useful or to chat through any ideas you may have. Let’s take it to the streets all over the psychogeographic universe!
O sharing the hidden stories of our streets and the people who have lived and struggled here
O understanding the hidden power struggles that shape our lives
thinking about who controls space, who uses it and who doesn’t and why
O (re)mapping and (re)imaging where we wander
O respecting the many diverse communities who make our homes what they are
O starting conversations, having a good time and reclaiming the streets for more than shopping
what could be more appropriate to a free festival of resistance, solidarity and joy?
So PLEASE think about doing something on the 2-5 October. It could be a wander, a talk, a reading, an exhibition, a film night, an action, a creative reclaiming of space or anything really - but it would be truly wonderful to get psychogeographic component to We Shall Overcome.
I’m more than happy to share any tools I have that may be useful or to chat through any ideas you may have. Let’s take it to the streets all over the psychogeographic universe!
Thursday, 9 July 2015
July First Sunday
It's First Sunday This Sunday (well, it isn't strictly speaking but we played with time shifting this month). We'll be meeting outside Home on Tony Wilson Place (!) at 1pm for a communal dérive of some sort. All welcome to drift around the city with us and it would be lovely to see you xx
PS I'm putting this here as a reminder to myself. This Summer I am finally going to sort out The LRM website
PS I'm putting this here as a reminder to myself. This Summer I am finally going to sort out The LRM website
Friday, 3 July 2015
July First Sunday
Hello everyone
I hope you are enjoying the sunshine, as mentioned before
July has played a time-shifting trip on us. First Sunday has been temporarily
displaced to Sunday 12th July, details to be confirmed. My apologies
for any disappointment or inconvenience but I hope to see you soon. In the
meantime this looks ace: Manchester’s Improving Daily
Also, from 2007 here are some instructions for a DIY
derive, because wandering is for life, not just for First Sundays.
1 Stop what you're doing and tap your heels together. Spin around if you feel like it. (the LRM accept no liability for any accidents that may occur due to over zealous spinning so please take care).
2 Head off in whichever direction takes your fancy and wander at will until you want to stop.
3 As you traverse, aim to discover something new and marvellous and look for something you have never seen, felt or listened to before (we bet there will be something).
4 Repeat as desired at intervals through out the day or don't. If you think this is pointless you may be right. But we think it will be fun and we can create something beautiful from it.
6 If you do have an adventure please send us a few notes, observations, random words or pictures.
1 Stop what you're doing and tap your heels together. Spin around if you feel like it. (the LRM accept no liability for any accidents that may occur due to over zealous spinning so please take care).
2 Head off in whichever direction takes your fancy and wander at will until you want to stop.
3 As you traverse, aim to discover something new and marvellous and look for something you have never seen, felt or listened to before (we bet there will be something).
4 Repeat as desired at intervals through out the day or don't. If you think this is pointless you may be right. But we think it will be fun and we can create something beautiful from it.
6 If you do have an adventure please send us a few notes, observations, random words or pictures.
Take care and see you on the streets soon
Morag x
Thursday, 2 July 2015
Thursday, 18 June 2015
Sheffield Psychogeography Action
Dear friends and colleagues
As promised, Sheffield Psychogeography Action will be back on the streets for a communal wander as our June event.
We'll be meeting 6pm Monday 22nd June in The Winter Gardens (if you haven't been before I'm short with pink hair so hopefully easy to spot). We'll be off on a metaphysical treasure hunt, one of my favourite games which I was reminded of during the Emotional Geographies conference last week in Edinburgh
I hope to see you soon, please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or comments.
As promised, Sheffield Psychogeography Action will be back on the streets for a communal wander as our June event.
We'll be meeting 6pm Monday 22nd June in The Winter Gardens (if you haven't been before I'm short with pink hair so hopefully easy to spot). We'll be off on a metaphysical treasure hunt, one of my favourite games which I was reminded of during the Emotional Geographies conference last week in Edinburgh
I hope to see you soon, please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or comments.
Friday, 5 June 2015
June 2015 First Sunday
Hi everyone
Its First Sunday This Sunday and so its time for a derive. Apologies for late confirmation of location. We'll start 2pm Sunday June 7th outside the Royal Exchange Theatre in St Anne's Square and see where we end up....
Its First Sunday This Sunday and so its time for a derive. Apologies for late confirmation of location. We'll start 2pm Sunday June 7th outside the Royal Exchange Theatre in St Anne's Square and see where we end up....
Friday, 1 May 2015
May 2015 First Sunday
It's betaine, international workers day and Jane's walk weekend so lots to inspire us for our First Sunday derive. Plus I have aquired some delicious old maps. We will be starting 12 noon Sunday 3rd May at John Ryland Library Deansgate. Please note the slightly earlier opening time as we don't want to get boring. It would be fabulous if you could join us.
Thursday, 2 April 2015
April First Sunday
First Sunday this Sunday! Hooray! Massive apologies for my tardy announcement, but we are of course meeting on Sunday regardless of other events happening. Expect wanderings around rebirth, April foolishness, springliness and perhaps the odd easter egg. We'll be meeting 2pm Piccadilly Gardens, Sunday 5th April, near the memorial tree, and ideas of where may be open when we finish would be welcome. Cant wait to see everyone who wants to come out and play. More details if you need them from
Wednesday, 4 March 2015
About The LRM
The LRM (Loiterers Resistance Movement) is a Manchester based collective of artists and activists interested in psychogeography, public space and the hidden stories of the city.
We can’t agree on what psychogeography means but we all like plants growing out of the side of buildings, looking at things from new angles, radical history, drinking tea and getting lost; having fun and feeling like a tourist in your home town. Gentrification, advertising and blandness make us sad. We believe there is magick in the mancunian rain.
Our city is wonderful and made for more than shopping. We want to reclaim it for play and revolutionary fun….
The LRM embark on psychogeographical drifts to decode the palimpsest of the streets, uncover hidden histories and discover the extraordinary in the mundane. We aim to nurture an awareness of everday space, (re)engaging with and (re)enchanting the city.
On the first Sunday of every month we go for a wander of some sort and we also organise occasional festivals, exhibitions, shows, spectacles, silliness and other random shenanigans. Please come and join us; everyone is welcome.
We can’t agree on what psychogeography means but we all like plants growing out of the side of buildings, looking at things from new angles, radical history, drinking tea and getting lost; having fun and feeling like a tourist in your home town. Gentrification, advertising and blandness make us sad. We believe there is magick in the mancunian rain.
Our city is wonderful and made for more than shopping. We want to reclaim it for play and revolutionary fun….
The LRM embark on psychogeographical drifts to decode the palimpsest of the streets, uncover hidden histories and discover the extraordinary in the mundane. We aim to nurture an awareness of everday space, (re)engaging with and (re)enchanting the city.
On the first Sunday of every month we go for a wander of some sort and we also organise occasional festivals, exhibitions, shows, spectacles, silliness and other random shenanigans. Please come and join us; everyone is welcome.
Please accept our apologies for the rather shabby nature of the blog at the moment; I am in the process of making it lovelier but I keep getting distracted, I'd so much rather be on the street than staring at a screen. I promise it will be sorted soon.
In the meantime if you fancy a blether or a beer or just want to find out about what loitering can do for you please get in touch:
Twitter @thelrm
Facebook group the loiterers resistance movement
In the meantime if you fancy a blether or a beer or just want to find out about what loitering can do for you please get in touch:
Twitter @thelrm
Facebook group the loiterers resistance movement
We hope to see you playing out with us soon xx
Thursday, 26 February 2015
March First Sunday
Hello everyone, its First March, First Sunday this Sunday and we'll be meeting at 2pm in the Cornerhouse, Oxford Road (will be downstairs somewhere but out on the street by 2.15) This will not be a nostalgia fest but an algorithmic walk which I haven't quite figured out yet! Be lovely to see you.
Also, I'm working in Sheffield at the moment and am really excited about this:
I am delighted to invite you to come out and play with Sheffield Psychogeography Action.
We aim to create a place for wanderers of all kinds - psychogeographers, walking artists, loiterers, moochers, DIY cartographers, radical map makers, mythogeographers, deep topographers, critical geographers, mobile methodologists, urban ramblers, writers, thinkers, agitators, situationists, creative mischief makers, and anyone curious about exploring Sheffield.
We will be organising regular walks, seminars and other shenanigans, and will hopefully stumble upon a more creative name as we do so. All are very welcome to join, as a new collective we hope our course will be plotted by everyone who wishes to embark on this journey with us.
Our first gathering will be on Wednesday 4th March at The Rutland Arms, Brown Street There will be a short introductory talk and then we will be off for an algorithmic walk around Sheffield. We will also be developing a web presence, but want to get out on the streets first.
Please forward this to anyone you know who may be interested and do get in touch for more information or to share any questions, comments or ideas. Please contact SPA via Morag Rose at tweet @thelrm or come and find me in the TRP post grad students office.
Friday, 30 January 2015
February 2015 First Sunday
First Sunday, This Sunday and so its time for our monthly dérive. We're up for a treat as we have a guest curator, the prolific loiterer, purveyor of fantastical worlds and a true poet of the mancunian streets. my dear friend mr Dale Meakin This means I have no idea what we will be doing, or where we will end up, but I have faith it will be marvellous but I should warn you there will probably also be swearing and sarcasm. The only instructions I have been given to pass on are that we will meet in Manchester City Art Gallery café at 2pm on Sunday 1st February, and we will be exploring by 2.15. All welcome, and it would be wonderful to see you there. If you are new to The LRM my hair is usually easy to spot. You are welcome to email for more information.
Friday, 2 January 2015
First First Sunday of the year
Dear friends and comrades in Loitering
It's the first First Sunday of a new year and we will be celebrating in our customary style with a communal derive. Please join us welcome in 2015 and banish the cobwebs from our imaginations. We will be playing one of our favourite games, The Metaphysical Treasure Hunt, so please be prepared for a ludic experience on the streets. There will also be the annual quest for the saddest abandoned Christmas tree. We will be meeting 2pm Sunday 4th January in The Castle Pub on Oldham Street, and will be out and about by 2.15 so please try to be punctual as the nature of the game means I don't know where we are going..... There's going to be some interesting times ahead for The LRM and I'd like to thank everyone for their support so far, and wish you a wonderful 2015. For more information please don't hesitate to contact The LRM by email or via the hotline 07974929589. You can also tweet us @thelrm
My very best wishes
Morag x
It's the first First Sunday of a new year and we will be celebrating in our customary style with a communal derive. Please join us welcome in 2015 and banish the cobwebs from our imaginations. We will be playing one of our favourite games, The Metaphysical Treasure Hunt, so please be prepared for a ludic experience on the streets. There will also be the annual quest for the saddest abandoned Christmas tree. We will be meeting 2pm Sunday 4th January in The Castle Pub on Oldham Street, and will be out and about by 2.15 so please try to be punctual as the nature of the game means I don't know where we are going..... There's going to be some interesting times ahead for The LRM and I'd like to thank everyone for their support so far, and wish you a wonderful 2015. For more information please don't hesitate to contact The LRM by email or via the hotline 07974929589. You can also tweet us @thelrm
My very best wishes
Morag x
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