Tuesday, 29 September 2015

More details of the Peoples History Museum Call Out

Hello everyone
I’m thrilled by how much interest there has been in our call for contributors to our People’s History Museum exhibition next year (the guidelines are pinned above if anyone missed them).

I know lots of loiterers have taken some wonderful photographs of First Sunday dérives over the years and we want to include some of them in the exhibition (we will cover printing costs of digital photos). Please watch out for more details, and in the meantime think about which pictures you would like to share.

There have been a few FAQs so thought I’d answer them here as well in case they are useful to anyone else

We said we want “original” artwork and perhaps we should have said contemporary, as it does not have to be created just for the exhibition, although it can be. To clarify it should be your own original work and relevant to the exhibition themes. If it has been shown / published before that is OK, if it has never been seen by anyone before that is also OK.

Everyone has to fill out an application form because we feel that is the fairest and easiest way to assess entries.  I hope you understand that we can not let friends sneak in as that wouldn’t be right. We want to encourage as many applications as possible and to be transparent in how we deal with them.

If anything in the guidelines is unclear, or you would like to discuss a particular idea do please get in touch with the curatorial team  (loitering2016@gmail.com) or we can have a chat on either of the walks we are organising this weekend for We Shall Overcome (2pm Wilmslow Station on Saturday, 10am Peoples History Museum Manchester on Sunday)

Please do get applications in before the deadline – 7th December - and I'll post details of the First Sunday photo call out very soon

Cheers and thanks as ever for your support


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