Wednesday, 29 July 2015

August First Sunday

Dear Loiterers

Its First Sunday, This Sunday and many loiterers have dispersed far and wide to celebrate Summer elsewhere. Therefore we are going to try something a little bit different, which also means friends who can rarely get to Manchester can join in as well. It’s a First Sunday for anyone, anywhere!

At twelve O’clock on Sunday 2nd August I will begin to tweet some derive instructions, these will appear for 90 minutes or so and you can see them by checking @lrm If you aren’t on twitter I can text the instructions, if you would like this please make sure I have your phone number by texting me on 079 749 29589.  Please follow the instructions in your own way – they will be open to interpretation and of course you need to take care and be mindful of your environment. It would be wonderful if folk could let me know how it is going by tweet or text but that is, of course, entirely optional.  Because I don’t want to go a month without wandering collectively there will be a chance to share stories, and  go for a walk, on Wednesday 5th August. Meet in the Sandbar, Grosvenor Street, at 6pm.

There are also several developments in Manchester which are anti-loitering and which you may want to object to. The Camp for Homeless Justice are in court tomorrow fighting an injunction which could potentially criminalise rough sleepers and be used to suppress demonstration and lawful protest. The consultation periods are also open for plans to close the Undercroft on Rochdale Canal at night, and to build some very dull flats on Pomona, a favourite place to loiter. Much has been written about this elsewhere, if you do need more information (or it would be helpful to read my objections) please do get in touch.

I hope to walk with you virtually on Sunday and see you on the streets soon

Best wishes


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