Thursday, 6 November 2008

new news

The LRM have been in the news - thanks Natalie (and congratulations on transforming my ramblings into something coherant!),_Manchester

there's also another interview here, it's quite old but still relevant. It was the first time anyone asked me about the LRM and i was dead happy, although my ego was dented when i realised i'd been mistaken for a man (a rant on gender and geogrpahy coming soon)

The next LRM event will be a planning meeting / general social / moonlit derive on November 25th, more details coming soon along with how YOU - yes you, wherever you are - can help make LRM history on December 7th


Seán said...

You're possibly the most obviously female person I know. We're talking 20 yards on a busy street in the fog here.

With a name like Morag, did they think you were a drag queen or something?


Seán said...

That didn't sound right at all!

I meant to say that Morag is an obviously female name rather than an obviously drag queen one.


morag said...

haha. yeah, there are a couple of reasons i'm not easily confused with a bloke.... I'm going to write something about gender and (psycho)geography soon because its been a recurrent theme for me at the moment. A surprising number of people don't realise Morag is a female name but then a lot of very dear american friends have trouble pronouncing it (no it does not rhyme with Barak)and I guess if your not familiar with Celtic sounds it isnt that common xx