Monday, 15 October 2012

library walk events

We've also just heard (in the last hour) that we will be able to speak at the scrutiny committee meeting tomorrow. I am now rather nervous so any friendly faces that can make it would be even more appreciated!

Tuesday 16th October 2pm Manchester Town Hall Committee Room 11 - Neighbourhoods Scrutiny Committee. 
The decision of the Exec Committe has been called in “To allow for evidence from Friends of Library Walk and other groups about the history, design and usage of Library Walk to be discussed and for other aspects of the St Peter’s Square Framework to be scrutinised.” We have applied to speak at the meeting and supportive faces in the audience are very welcome - there really is strength in numbers at meetings like this!

Wednesday 17th October 6-8pm at Bakerie Tasting Store off Lever Street (behind The Hive) - Friends of Library Walk meeting An informal meeting where we will share any developments, news and information and - crucially - finalise our statement to the planning committee

Thursday 25th October 2pm at Manchester Town Hall - Planning Committee Meeting. This is the big one where we need as many people as possible; its where the final decision is made. Please, please join us if you can.  We will be meeting at noon on the 25th at Riba Hub Cafe (Portland St) for a joint event with manchester modernist society - this will be an informal chat, with speakers and slides showing the history and beauty of Library Walk. Then we will all go to the planning committee meeting; you are welcome to join us at Riba or The Town Hall. Their rallying cry is here:

for more details about friends of library walk please see

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