Thursday, 3 March 2011

This Sunday: modernist heroines and more

Dear loiterers of all genders and none

March’s First Sunday see’s two really special walks coinciding with the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day. This is an event I have tended to avoid for a variety of reasons but I have been lured out of my ambivalence by these irresistible ideas which I am really proud to be involved in.

My apologies for simply cutting and pasting text you may have already recieved this week by other means, I have been plagued by technical issues. Expect a more personal rant from me on why feminism matters more than ever to appear on the blog very soon.

The Modernist Heroines Project,
Sunday March 6 at Manchester Town Hall,
Venue - Women of Achievement Room, 1-4pm, LRM walk 3-5pm (meet at the MMS stall)

Manchester Modernist Society, The LRM (Loiterers Resistance Movement) and The Shrieking Violet Zine have teamed up for a collaborative project exploring the stories of ten fabulous North West women spanning the fields of invention, aviation, media, science, design and architecture throughout the twentieth century and into the twenty first. Manchester’s Feminist history did not stop with the Suffragettes!

Join us for an afternoon exploring 'Manchester's Modernist Heroines’, launching a special edition of the Shrieking Violet fanzine, a collection of essays, interviews, artworks and links to events which aim to commemorate their achievements, uncover many more via your own favourites, and who knows – inspire some Heroines of tomorrow.

At 3pm The LRM will be curating a walk inspired by the work of our Modernist Heroine, Professor Doreen Massey. We will focus on flow, energy, gender and why we love exploring space. Our wander will uncover some of the hidden histories and power relationships which have shaped the city; Manchester is made up of myriad stories and we will tell some about our marvellous modernist heroines that are absent from the official narrative.

Find out more – and download a copy of the zine from Sunday onwards – by visiting: Manchester Modernist Society or
The Shrieking Violet

This is the start of an ongoing project; please tell us about your heroines - pop along on the day or add your favourite 20th or 21st century female to our webpage, coming very soon.
At 12noon, also leaving from the Town Hall, there will be another collaborative walk, this one between collaboration the Manchester Women´s Design Group and the Loiterers Resistance Movement;

This leisurely stroll will be guided by the results of emotion mapping by Manchester Women’s Design Group; this focuses on architecture, access and the way women feel about the city as well as the stories of women who have had an impact on the city

During 2010, Manchester Women´s Design Group carried out research to explore how women react emotionally to urban spaces. These maps have highlighted spaces in the city centre which women love as they feel happy, relaxed, contented, and proud, as well as feared spaces that women say make them feel worried, anxious, angry and confused. This walk is a continuation of our process of research, analysis and evaluation, in which we invite you to participate.

I really hope to see you Sunday

Love and rage
Morag x

1 comment:

emilyonabike said...

Hi Morag,

there is some conflicting info about when the walk starts this sunday- MWDG say it starts at 12pm from town hall and you say 3pm! Are there 2 walks?
Also i attended the debate on wednesday, where you made passionate comments concerning birley fields/ funding grassroots activity. I felt that the chair and panel could have built bridges with you, as an active and enthusiastic community advocate, but instead took the mick, and poo-pooed your perfrectly valid comments which was unproductive in the extreem.
In solidarity,

Emily Crompton