Dear friends, fairies, flaneurs and threats to civilised society
I hope this finds you in happy times, this month we have a celebration and news of twoother rather splendid events so without further ado….
Please join the LRM this weekend for the third anniversary of our First Sunday Shenanigans
We’ll be meeting on the balcony at Piccadilly station at 1.00pm this Sunday, 7th February and shall start with a celebratory picnic. It would be lovely if you could bring some food to share if you feel like it. Then we’ll go for mooch around Mayfield, relatively unchartered territory for us and the proposed site of a major new regeneration scheme that will bring Whitehall to the oh so lucky North. For now it’s home to abandoned railway stations, urban wildlife, post industrial squalor and – of course – a luxury spa.
Doubtless we’ll conclude with beverages and banter and as we raise an almost birthday glass I shall express my heartfelt thanks to everyone who has contributed to the continual success of The LRM. Our (not uncritical) love for the city and the many comrades who have added to the richness of our derives continues to be deeply satisfying and brings new surprises every month. So thank you all - but there is no time to wallow in nostalgia. The city shall never be finished and our quest is about to evolve in marvellous ways.
March’s First Sunday is going to be our most spectacular ever. The LRM are curating an exploration of the seven wonders of Hulme as part of Single Cell Collectives ‘In Search of Zion’ residency. We will create a fantasy map and guide time travellers on a metaphysical treasure hunt discovering performers, musicians, story tellers and random surprises that will help unravel the multiple layers of history, politics, regeneration, myths and daydreams that add up to make Hulme. It’s a tale that stars Roman temples, UFO landing pads, modernist masterpieces, pop heroes, social housing experiments, revolutionary art and more – and we need your help to tell it now, before everything changes again with the advent of MMUs super campus
Do you have any memories, stories, theories or thoughts that you think should be woven into our walking tapestry? Or are you a performer, artist, ranter or raver of any kind that would like to be part of the performance? Perhaps you would like to help make props, rally troops and or act as a steward? If so please don’t be shy and join our merry band. We will be having a meeting for anyone interested at The Zion Centre. Stretford Road, Hulme 6pm on Tuesday 9th February (ie next week – we need to move sharpish on this) If you can’t come but would still like to be involved in please get in touch as soon as possible.
Finally The LRM are taking part in Re-Imaging The North West, a project that forms part of New Mornings Old Streets – a collaborative media venture exploring what community media means and how the region should be portrayed . Loiterers are invited to take pictures that capture Secret Manchester on 20th February 2010. Our work will then form part of an exhibition and archive. Many friends are keen and talented photographers as our flicker group shows, others may wish to document their view of our city but feel they need a little technological knowhow – all are welcome to contribute. There will be a drop-in workshop in the Cornerhouse café at 12 noon on the 20th if you want some guidance or to borrow a camera. More details soon, in the meantime see
For more information or to share your thoughts on any of the the above please email or call 07974929589. Be warned my keyborad is broken so if you text i apologise for replying with a game of hangman. Updates will also be posted on
I hope you can drift into the LRMs orbit soon
Love and thrilling prospects
Morag x